
Getting Rid Of Dandruff: 5 Most Effective Tips

5 Most Effective Tips To Get Rid Of Dandruff

Image a situation where you all set to meet up your date, attend an important meeting at the office or just hang out with friends. You are all dressed up to your best but you have DANDRUFF. Would you feel confident around everyone in any situation? The answer is NO. Haircare is important all the time. Here, we are going to educate you on what Dandruff is and how easy getting rid of dandruff is.

What is Dandruff – It is then flaked skin of the scalp. During winters, the scalp dries out and causes the skin to flake. However, men with oily skin tend to shed skin throughout the year. No matter whichever shampoo you use, it just doesn’t go away.

Main causes of Dandruff – 

1. Fungal infection
2. Dry scalp
3. Diet
4. Hygiene
5. Stress

How to get rid of Dandruff using these most effective home remedies

Massaging the scalp with Lemons – One thing everyone has in their refrigerators is Lemon, which is used for a variety of purposes. Be it, adding to the taste in your meal or getting over Hangovers. All you need to do is, squeeze a couple of lemons, get their juice and massage the scalp with it. Once done, Wash it off with lukewarm water or mild shampoo.

Massage with Tea Tree oil – Tea tree oil is a multipurpose solution for a lot of things. A simple massage on the scalp with it can also help to keep dandruff away for a good duration of time.

Yogurt and Egg Mask – Apply Yoghurt to your scalp and to the regions having Dandruff. Once your scalp and hair are entirely covered by the mask, wait for 30 minutes. Let the mixture dry. … Not only will this trick help reduce Dandruff but it also gives your hair a shiny texture due to its nourishing properties

Neem Leaves – 
– Take 2 handfuls of neem leaves in 4-5 cups of hot water. Let it stay overnight.
– The next morning, strain the liquid and use it to rinse your hair. You can also try making a paste out of leaves.
– Apply it to your scalp and let it sit for about an hour before washing it off with water.

Baking Soda –
– Wet your hair slightly
– Keeping your hair wet, rub a spoonful of baking soda on your scalp.
– Leave it on for 60-90 seconds prior to washing it off.