5 Tips To Cope Up With Breakup

by Editor


Every heartbreak will hurt you as if it’s your first one, no matter what. Well, obviously a different case for people who get their hearts stolen and broken every day. Although, for most of us, this is a pain that we have to carry. Some go about their lives with their heavy heart while others try their best to move on. There is no proved cure for these aching hearts, there are some things you can try to feel a little better.


You may feel like shutting yourself indoors and cutting ties with the outside world, but doing the actual opposite of it will surely make you feel better. Take your time, and if needed, cry it out but reach out to someone as soon as you can. It could be a friend or a relative – anyone. Talking about it will make you feel lighter and you will be able to see why it failed. Also, you can spill all the negative thoughts you may be having. Sometimes, talking helps us get some closure.



Now that you have ample free time, it’s time to reach out to people you haven’t met in a long time. Grab each and every opportunity of socializing. Sitting idle will only bring back old memories and will make you feel gloomy.


You can do things which you couldn’t do earlier because your partner did not like. You can try a new hairstyle or it could be moving to a new city. You can think to get that tattoo you have always wanted. Any random dramatic change will distract you for a while and it will make you feel better.


We are not asking you to burn and flush their photo (although that’s not a bad idea) but do remove things that belonged to them or has a memory attached to it. You can put all the memoirs in a box and keep it away, in some corner of storeroom or anywhere out of sight. This will ensure you don’t stumble upon old memories and feel bad.


They say, “Pain is best channelized through art and exercise and the world is your oyster when you wish to choose an art form” Take up any class you like, such as painting, music, writing, gym and do it with your best efforts. This will keep you busy and you will also have a new skill at the end.

Hope these tips will help you conquer this mountain of heartache and you will surely climb through and see a new morning.

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