
Do Weight Loss Pills Actually Work Or Is It A Myth?


Weight loss pills have made their entrance in the fitness and supplement market and have gathered all types of reviews. There are a number of things that you need to know about weight loss pills before you start taking them.

How Do These Pills Work?

These pills are not going to be the reason why you lose weight. These will be an aid to the weight loss journey. The pills are commonly known as fat burners and do not work unless you are working out properly and have a diet that matches your goals. If you think you can only consume these pills and you will lose fat, you are gravely mistaken.


Different pills in hand

What Do These Pills Do?

Weight loss pills usually work on curbing your hunger. Humans have a tendency of giving in to hunger and this usually becomes a primary reason for the weight that we gain. Therefore, to ensure our hunger remains within check, these pills serve as a means of curbing it. However, this does not mean you will use the pills to curb hunger all the time. You will get hungry from time to time and it is imperative you give your body food. Using any of these supplements to lose fat fast will end up with you falling sick. You definitely do not want this.

Are All Pills Types Safe?

A primary reason why weight loss pills have not gained enough positive popularity is due to the risks that come with it. Each of these supplements is created differently and not all of them are safe to consume. This, like any other supplements, depends on the individual and the diet being followed. A few of these pills may cause adverse side effects while there are some which have proven to be of no use and have shown no positive or negative effect upon consumption.


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What Are The Different Pills Available?

There are several types of pills on the market. The following are the top three types of pills that are used globally.

  1. Alli (Orlistat): Alli is the counter name for the pharmaceutical drug Orlistat. This drug functions with the breakdown of fats which in turn leads to fewer calories being absorbed by the stomach. The lesser calories consumed, the more will be the weight loss. Individuals who have consumed this drug have experienced side effects such as stomach ache and diarrhoea.
  2. Caffeine: This is mainly found in coffee and has made into pills. Caffeine is a primary element in pre-workout products as well and it helps in increasing metabolism levels and helps in reducing fat mass. The side effects of caffeine include raised heart rate and can cause sleeping troubles.
  3. Green Tea Extract: There are a number of pills which include green tea extract and this has gained global recognition. Green tea extracts help in aiding the body’s ability to shred fat. However, there are a number of people who prefer green tea extract over green tea extracts and so these pills might not be the best-selling weight loss pills worldwide.


green tea extract

Should You Consume Weight Loss Pills?

It is commonly not recommended that you consume weight loss pills unless you are absolutely sure that this is what will ultimately help you in losing fat. There are brands which manufacture fat burners and green tea extracts but research has proven that these products do not sell as quickly as the other supplements.


weight loss stack


Whether you decide to use weight loss pills or not, at the end of the day your workout routine and diet helps the most. Click here to find out a list of articles on several fitness and workout issues!