Are you the Super DAD that your child thinks you are??

by Editor

As a boy, we may mess around in life and I believe its important to do that as well. However, when it comes to being a Father, you definitely can not go wrong because your children follow your footsteps and trust me you would not want to see that wrong when you look back. Every child looks at their father like he is SUPER DAD and you cannot mess it up.

Being a Father is another opportunity for a man to design a life for someone he loves immensely. It is not about re-creating your life but letting a new life be created in a manner it becomes beautiful and happy.

Children need Nurture and Structure both so while the Mom of the house is taking care of the Nurture bit, here is how you can build the Structure piece for your child.


We all need someone by our side at every phase of life to be if we were a child or a teenager or a grown-up man. We all need that special someone who has always got our back.

You need to be there with your children at all walks of life especially at their major milestones especially: a super dad is always there.


There are a lot of changes that a man should make in his life when he becomes a father. Remember, this is a time of growing up from being a boy and enter into the phase of life where every action of yours is being watched by your children. Few things you should STOP doing at home immediately when you become a father are


A very famous saying is – Don’t be so busy making a living that you don’t have time to make a life. Materialistic things will vanish, its only Love, Relationships and people who will stay with you in life. Always make time for your children to. Be their super dad and:


The first teacher for every child is his family. It has a life-long impact on his memory and upbringing. He will always remember the first few years of his life when he was not interacting with anyone from outside the world other than his parents and family. So, always ensure he gets to learn the best. Few things to teach your child are


Communication is a two-way street and is the most effective tool to build a strong and long-lasting relationship. In a Father-Child relationship as well, you both need to talk and listen. It’s never a one-way thing. Few things to talk to your child about as their super dad are


Spending time and doing things together always leads to a great bond between people. A few things you can do together are


In our Indian culture, women are always respected as SHAKTI which means the GODESS of POWER and is also a symbol of completeness for a man. Hence, it becomes extremely important for your child to know and understand how to


While it is important to love your child, it is also equally important to ensure they follow discipline in one’s life. It makes a man more credible and trustworthy. Following a discipline makes a child develop


A focussed mind is a healthy mind which is why you should always take time out some for yourself every day. It helps you in many ways especially

We all are human beings at the end of the day. Few mistakes are allowed but as long as we are willing to rectify them and stay true to loving our family and relationships, we are doing great. So, Love yourself and love your children.


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