Chest Workout For Beginners: Let’s Get The Pecs!

by Editor

When you see someone who is fit, what are the first few things you notice about them. Of all those things, Chest is something which just comes right in your notice. The chest utterly important muscle of our body and everyone likes to flaunt a well toned chest. It gives you a great posture which you are looking for that boosts your confidence too. It helps in building strength as well. Let’s start with the recommended Chest Workout For Beginners:-

Exercises: 6, Sets: 3, Reps: 8-10-12



Don’t Go heavy weights directly. Rather, go for building muscles by burning calories first. Use the weight as per your strength. Your first set will determine your strength. Go Slow, control your movement and feel the tension in your muscles. Remember, completing Reps faster will not build muscle so it’s always better to go slow and deeper (basically, touch the mid-chest), don’t cheat yourself.

DumbBell Press

Dumbbell press is the best exercise to work on those muscles which are not involved during the bench press. With dumbbells, you will get more range of motion and it will help you stretch more muscles fiber and helps in getting things in shape.

Note: Do not involve your shoulder while doing this otherwise it will not hit the chest muscle that much.


This is the bench where your shoulder and upper chest muscles are involved. Here you can’t go heavy as much as you did in the bench press. The upper chest is the most important part in supporting the shoulder and to support other exercises as well.

Note: Here control is extremely important here. Uneven barbell can lead to injury.



When you hear about chest workout, the first thing that comes in mind is butterfly, where you all your chest muscles are involved. Be extra careful of the right amount of weight and body posture since it can cause Shoulder injury as well. The workout on muscles here is deeper and its leads to great results.


This involves muscles from triceps and shoulder to control the movement. You have to go downwards by holding the grip on bar dips machine and try to go deeper and get back upwards but do not lock your hands. The right posture of chest should be out as well. Perform this to perfection.



Last but definitely not the leads is everyone’s favourite Push Ups. I am sure most of you would be doing this at home everyday. You may do as many reps as you can, set a number in your mind and go for it. It will increase strength, endurance and will pump your chest as well. You will surely feel the burn after it is completed. It has many variations and trust me its fun. We all know push-ups are the basic exercise so here it is the finisher or blaster.

So, are you ready for the Chest Workout For Beginners Routine?


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