Deadlifts: Everything you need to know

by Editor


Deadlifts are one of the most sought after exercises at the gym. It is one of the top power/compound movements that can be performed. The deadlift comes in various forms, has several benefits, and can be performed with either barbell, hex bar/trap bar or dumbbells. 

What Are The Benefits Of A Deadlift?

Deadlifts have a number of benefits for your body and physical form. 

What Are The Different Types Of Deadlift?

There are various forms of deadlifts that work different muscles. However, each type of deadlift works almost every lower body muscle, the primary muscle keeps changing with each variation. The following are the different types of deadlift: 

The above four are some examples of the type of deadlifts that can be performed. However, if you notice almost all deadlifts work your lower body while rack pulls truly works the back. So whichever deadlift you perform, ensure you’re lifting with the body part that the deadlift is supposed to work. 

Why Is It Called A Deadlift? 

The deadlift is a movement that comprises you lifting a dead weight on the ground which has a dead momentum. Therefore, essentially you can say that when you’re performing a deadlift, you’re picking up dead weight from the ground. Therefore, the name: the deadlift. 

Which Muscles Is The Deadlift Meant To Target?

Deadlifts are an exercise that primarily works our lower body but it can be said that a deadlift works all the muscles. Whether it’s your hamstrings or your lower back, or your quads and your traps, if you do a deadlift you will be working all the muscles of your body. 

How Many Times Should I Do A Deadlift?

This is a personal choice. You can deadlift once, twice, or even thrice a week. If you’re adding squats and bench press to the mix, then maybe deadlift once a week or twice a week. However, at the end of the day make sure you give your body at least 24 hours rest between two days of performing deadlifts. 

There are advantages of doing the deadlift and you should definitely incorporate doing this form of exercise into the fitness routine. If you’re a beginner, then start off with lighter weights, get your form in place, understand the different types before moving on to heavier weights. 

Before you start your workout, always make sure you do your stretching!

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