Treat your Woman RIGHT, Be the MAN she DESERVES

by Editor

You might have started off in a relationship, been in one for a while, or been with Your One, for what seems, forever by now. However, the question always remains, How Do You Treat Your Woman, Right?

What, does the RIGHT, include or worse, does not. Females are hyped to be super-mystical beings where the burden of unearthing what they mean and feel falls on the other gender. Honestly, your relationship would be far more super smooth sailing if you just treated her Right! And Yes! We know, you are probably already asking, But WHAT is Right!

So let’s get to how you can save your Queen and yourself the next argument of how you don’t appreciate or value her;


Tales didn’t preach, honesty is the best policy for nothing. Be honest and transparent with your woman. If she asks you about something you tried keeping under the wraps about, chances are she already knows. If you did something, which you know won’t settle well with her, confess but be honest. Being honest with your woman will help lay a strong foundation for your relationship and build better understanding. Also, you won’t put her through the hassle of being suspicious, insecure or questioning the relationship.


We can’t stress on just HOW important it is to communicate. You can probably hear this as I write, when she asks you, “Are you even listening to me?” and there is a definite chance that she does this, not for fun but because she feels unheard. Have a simple but more concrete response and it would help make all the difference. Make yourself involved in the talk, even if a rant, it will help sort matters better, quicker and surely lower chances of the same talk crop again, it had a legit discussion over.


Now, we are sure this will be tough to follow a point, but your woman next to you might be enthusiastically nodding as we say, don’t be Lazy! She doesn’t ask for a superman, but for you to act like a mature man, who can own up his responsibilities, outside of work equally well. From, putting the bottles filled with water back into the fridge to hang the towel on the stand not using it as a bed cover design to leaving the toilet seat the way it should be! It’s not her nagging if you inspect closely, it’s honestly just your being lazy that might lead to half the arguments.


Women are simple beings, they wish to feel valued and appreciated. That would need you to probably do more than just “seeing”. Yes, you look at her but you need to step up a level and observe her. Her appearance when she puts in extra efforts to dress nicely for you, when she gets a makeover to feel her vibe, how she likes her tea to maybe how she is feeling or behaving. There always is a message!


Respect your woman, period. She knows you are always on the lookout for her, but don’t let the protective side of you convinced that she can’t handle things by herself, because she more can more than what’s thrown her way. Always respect your woman, her limits and boundaries (Space is a concept in relationships too!), her hustle and her.

For any relationship to work, it takes two to clap. If you want her to treat you fair and square like the man you deserve to be treated as, Treat her as a Queen: Right. Always treat your woman right.



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