Healthy habits can make 9 to 6 better, Here’s How

by Editor

We spend a minimum of 10-12 hours in front of our laptops trying to earn our bread and butter. That is the primary reason for feeling sore after a long day. The fast pace and edge competition environment have drastically impacted our lifestyles and our healthy habits. Sitting stuck to our seats with bare minimal movements, eyes glued to the screen, studies show a natural increase in the complaint of health issues like intolerable neck pain and spondylitis, backache, eye problems.

At this point, a few healthy habits are recommended for a better living.

Here is a list of a few small yet simple changes you can incorporate in your daily life. These changes will help you to achieve not just the mythical concept of Work-Life Balance. Also, cashing in extra, on that Health Is Wealth:

These are some of the healthy habits that you should indulge in at work. Start today for a better tomorrow.


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