Household Chores That Burn Calories On A Daily Basis

by Editor

Do you get to work out every day? Well, we know the answer might just be a no. However, did you know there are a number of household chores that burn calories? You don’t even need to hit the gym every day to stay fit. In fact with this, you can do two things at the same time: finish your chores and stay fit. Here we have a list of household chores that will definitely burn calories!

Sweeping And Mopping

This household chore is one that all of us have engaged in at least once. The best part about this is that it works both your upper body and lower body. You get to burn almost 150 to 160 calories and end up with sparkling floors. Additionally, if you grease the floors then there’s a significant amount of elbow action involved which makes for more calories. Therefore, in total, you can burn almost 170 to 180 calories in thirty minutes!

Bathroom Cleaning

Who doesn’t love a clean bathroom? So, when you scrub the tiles to remove soap scum and make it shine, you can burn as much as 90 calories within 15 minutes. Also, bathroom cleaning requires a considerable amount of moving to scrub and that really does work the upper body. If you do it properly with a boost of energy, you’ll be burning calories by the second.

Cleaning Windows

Cleaning the windows might not necessarily seem like household chores that burn calories but they are. However, how many calories you burn depends on the type of cleaning you’re doing. If it’s just a spray and wipes then you’re looking at around 150 calories an hour. On the other hand, if you do a proper scrub job with proper sweeping with soapy water, you can claim a full 360 calories every hour. Keep in mind, when it comes to the cleaning window it’s all in the technique and the effort.

Lawn Mowing

Lawn mowing has to be one of the most physically exhausting household chores. However, this is one that will help you burn calories only if you do it with a manual lawnmower. One of the reasons this works the entire body is because of the push you need to give and the walking around the lawn. This is a chore that can help you burn almost as much as 320 calories an hour.

Rearranging Furniture

Furniture rearrangement makes for solid household chores that burn calories. Since this requires a considerable amount of strength and using your muscles, you will be burning 100 calories every fifteen minutes. So with this, you get a new look to your house and burn almost 400 calories every hour.

Car Unloading

This is one that all of us do at least once a week. You know when you don’t like the idea of making too many trips from the car to the house to unload your weekly groceries? Well! Here’s a reason why you might. Unloading cars of shopping require lifting bags and walking with them and that burns a good amount of calories.

Household chores that burn calories can be anything that requires physical strength. There’s no easier way to get fit. We all want our house in order, why not burn a few calories for your health during that process?

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