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At the beginning of any relationship, there is a certain drive and heat. Couples cannot keep their hands away from each other. But what if your partner has a higher sex drive and needs more time and intimacy? You may try and continue pleasing them for some time, but if you are not naturally matching to their drive, it may become difficult to keep up with the expectations after some time.

It may be due to stress or getting bored with the relationship or any other factor. Here are three major rules to follow.


Relationships cannot work without good communication. There isn’t any logic being in a relationship where you cannot express your desires, your views freely with your partner. Take out some time and sit down to talk and explain to them how your inability to keep up to their drive isn’t related to them. Tell them that it is just a matter of your own stamina and your drive. Communication is the key here.



You should consider seeking advice from a doctor or a professional if you realize that you are inching disinterest towards sex. This will ensure that nothing is physically or mentally wrong with anyone of you. You may opt for couple therapy if you are having fights or are finding it difficult to understand the topic.



We all know that in every relationship there is a certain level of compromise. You sometimes give up or do something against your will just to bring happiness to your partner’s happiness. You and your partner can schedule dates for sex, or try some new ways to bring back the spark. You may experiment with different kinds of stuff like trying a new position or trying kinky stuff to excite each other. Just don’t give up, talk and understand each other.



If things are not going good, consider taking a break. No, not a day off. Make a plan of at least a week and move away from your usual surroundings. Ditch office and work, and try to spend each hour with your partner. Re-live the old moments, Spend quality time. Take a break from technology and connect with each other instead. Bring back the old love and warmth. Spending time in romantic locations will automatically bring back your enthusiasm and stamina.



Well, there are certain foods and drinks which are known to increase sexual excitement. These food items are called aphrodisiacs. The most common is Chocolate. Not only the taste but even the smell of chocolate brings a certain amount of excitement. You can use other foods like watermelon, peaches. Seafood like clams and shells also help. Search on the internet and find what’s suitable for you.



Give these ideas a try and let me know what do you think 🙂

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