Pull-Ups Improved With These Simple Tips!

by Editor

Pull-ups are one of the hardest yet one of the most efficient bodyweight exercises you can perform at the gym. Pull-ups not only improve your upper body strength but it helps in providing your physique with an excellent shape. The following are a few tips that you can follow to improve the pull-ups to a great extent!

Initiate Pull-Ups With The Lats:

When you start doing pull-ups, make sure the first muscle that you put pressure on and begin using for the movement are your lats. This way you will be able to achieve wider lats. Following the lat, you can fire up your biceps. However, if your focus is to fire up the biceps, then use a smaller grip.

Start With Assisted Pull-Ups:

Assisted pull-ups are the first step to performing this exercise. You can have a partner help you, or you can start with resistance bands. The reason for this is that when you get assistance, you can do a greater number of reps, and your lats and biceps will be able to withstand the pressure you’re putting due to the extra reps. Once, you have done assisted you can transition to traditional ones.

Aim To Take Your Chin Above The Bar:

There are a number of individuals who bring their chest all the way up to the bar. If you are a beginner, then start with your chin. The last couple of inches do not really affect your lats (which is the focus muscle) and starts working on weaker muscles. Therefore, your best option is to pull your chin up to the bar while maintaining your posture and form. Maintaining your form at all times is important so you do not injure your shoulders or back.

Add Varieties To Your Reps And Grips:

The reason for bodyweight exercises is to increase strength and endurance. The higher reps you do, the more you work on your endurance. Strength can be increased using heavy weights but since in this case you are no actually using dumbbells or barbells, your best option is to strap on a plate on to yourself. Additionally, using various grips to make sure you do not burn out and to make sure your muscles do not become too used to the exercise and end up with hitting a plateau.

Work Your Shoulders:

One of the main muscles used in a pull up following the lats is the biceps. A certain amount of strength comes from the shoulders as well. It is important you work your shoulders and increase their strength and endurance power. Pull-ups will eventually become much better when every muscle which assists the exercise has the ability to perform as required.

The above are certain tricks that you can use to improve your pull-ups. Bodyweight exercises are one of the best ways to improve your overall physique. While we keep trying to pick up heavier weights, let’s not forget that bodyweight workouts have their own benefits that cannot be achieved through machines. You can check out other workouts here!

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