Lose Fat around the Love Handles with 3 strategies!

by Editor

There are a number of factors that affect how we look like. We have the boulder shoulders, the wide lats, the arms, the chest, and everything else. However, there is another part of our body that truly determines how we look like and those are the love handles. There are millions of us out there who know our best physique will be visible if we can lose fat around the love handles. Therefore, let’s talk about three strategies that you can use to shred the fat!

Strategy One: Work On Your Nutrition

This is a strategy that needs to be applied from day 1. In other words, you need to watch what you put in your mouth otherwise you will never succeed. There are instances where what you are eating is not unhealthy but the amount you are intaking is in excess. Your nutrition needs to be on-point and there cannot be any excuses about it. It is crucial that you understand that to lose fat around the love handles, you need to be in a proper calorie deficit. The first step for proper nutrition is to clean up your diet and create a meal plan for yourself. The second step is to be consistent with this plan no matter what happens.


Strategy Two: Work On Your Lats

Our waist looks narrower when our lats look wider. Furthermore, when you have wide lats, your overall physique becomes better as well. Now, the point is the lower lats are the ones closest to the love handles so that is the focus area. The key point here is to activate a full range of motion when working on your lats. For example, if you are doing a dumbbell or a barbell row, instead of using a heavyweight that you can pull just enough, take a lighter weight and really squeeze your lats. Another exercise to wide lats is the classic pull-up. Click here for quick tips to improve your pull-ups!


Strategy Three: Work On Your Abs And Obliques

To lose fat around the love handles you need to give a significant amount of time to your abs and obliques. Do not listen to the “gym gurus” who preach that oblique training makes your waist thick. That is absolutely wrong! In fact, the obliques are responsible for creating the v-line tapered look. The reason you cannot see them is that it is covered with a layer of fat. So what do you do? You train your obliques and you train your abs. furthermore, when you train your abs on a regular basis you will be able to notice them at a body fat percentage of maybe 14 or 15. Training your abs and obliques on a regular basis is as important as focusing on your nutrition.



The above three are strategies that need to be implemented to see the fat around the love handles melt away. When you pair up ab training and lats training with proper nutrition, you are on your way to observing really great things when you look at the mirror! Apart from this, you have to keep yourself hydrated and understand that you cannot rush into this. Patience will always be key when it comes to shredding fat!

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