Welcome to August 19th, the “World Photography Day”

by Editor

What is World Photography Day

August 19, across the world is celebrated as the “World Photography Day”. On this day, we celebrate the moments captured from behind the lens. The only way to stop time and cherish a moment forever is through photographs. Billions and millions of photographs are clicked each day. Whether you click it for professional purposes or personal, you’re adding value. 

Types Of Photography

There are different types of photography. Nature, wildlife, portraits, events, etc. Professional photographers can tell you that each type of photography requires a different angle, exposure, lighting, etc. But, World Photography Day is about celebrating everyone who is a photographer, wants to become a photographer, and is clicking a photograph at this moment and every moment beyond. Let’s get into the history of photography on this day!

Photography, when it was first invented, the process was known as heliography. It was invented in the year 1824 by Nicéphore Niépce. Almost two years later, in 1826, the first photograph was taken. This was an iconic moment in the history of photography. Next, colour photography became a famous concept from the year 1935. Fast forward 40 years later, the first functional digital camera came into existence. It was created by Steven Sasson of Eastman Kodak. 

Photography in Today’s Era

Coming to today, photography can be done with DSLR cameras, digital cameras, phone cameras, etc. Once upon a time, we would click photographs and would need to get them developed. Those were the days of using films and running to the store for batteries! But today we have instant camera. Point, focus, click, and you have your photograph in your hand within seconds. Technology is one of the greatest things in today’s world and the world of photography has used it to the fullest. 

World Photography Day is celebrated every year by everyone posting their clicked moments on social media and giving everyone a glimpse into their own creativity. If you’re a photography enthusiast or you just like taking snaps, go on out there and celebrate this day! Capture a smile, capture the laughter, capture the joys of the world. This is what today is all about! Celebrate the day, celebrate it everyday. There can never be enough photographs in the world!

The picture mentioned above is the Winner of World Photography Day 2019. If you, too are into photography, please do share your work on our FB page.

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