
Why you should NOT skip Leg Days


There’s a term which is heard very frequently when it comes to fitness regimes and that is: Don’t skip leg days. The primary reason this is said is that the lower part of your body deserves as much attention as the upper part of your body. Not giving them equal attention is like working your left arm but not your right. Can you imagine how weird it would look? Now imagine a well-built upper body with stick-alike legs. It’s ridiculous! The following reasons will surely convince you to hit your legs days at least once a week. Relying on supplements for leg days will not help!

Burns More Calories

If the goal is weight loss then leg days are a must. Let’s break it down. The lower body consists of quads, hamstrings, and glutes. Exercises that target these muscles require a larger amount of energy than other body parts because of the size of the muscles. We all know energy is generated by burning calories. Therefore, hitting leg days will ensure that you burn a higher amount of calories and achieve the shredded body that you’re aiming for. 

2 Out Of The Big 4

The big four compound exercises are bench press, overhead press, deadlifts, and squats. Squats and deadlifts both target the lower body. Can you imagine how important leg days must be if two out of the four big compound exercises are lower body ones that target the leg muscles specifically? Additionally, almost all leg day exercises comprise of compound movements. Compounds movements are largely recommended by athletes, fitness enthusiasts, coaches, and everybody else who knows their workout. 


Helps In Building Muscle

The muscles in the lower part of your body, especially from the hips down, are difficult to grow. When you work those muscles, it affects the anabolic state of your body which in turn results in releasing a great deal of testosterone and growth hormones. Both of these are important for adding muscle mass. This release of hormones will assist you when you target your upper body too. So for the benefit of your upper body growth, you should really shouldn’t skip leg days. 


Better Balance And Better Performance

Incorporating a leg day in your fitness routine will give you an edge when it comes to adventure and sporting events. The muscles around the quads and hamstrings are important when it comes to keeping your balance while the muscles around the hips truly help in sprints and running. On top of that, leg day workouts will help in improving both your endurance and speed. There’s nothing better than having strong leg muscles which carry you to the finish point with ease! 

It must be clear from the above that leg days are extremely important and there are clearly no benefits to be achieved by skipping them. Regardless of what your fitness split is, you should ensure leg day is a part of it. It might not be the best of days and the soreness afterward is kind of a demotivating factor. However, at the end of the day, you want to look great overall. It’s time to start adding one leg session a week and making them big and muscular!