
Yoga and Meditation: Which is more useful?

There are multiple ways to keep your body and mind healthy. You can hit the gym a couple of times each week, you can go for an early morning run, or you can indulge in meditation and yoga. Here we discuss yoga and meditation and how they’re connected. 

Yoga and meditation are terms often pronounced together. But if we were to choose just one of them, which one would it be? Let’s look at the benefits of both and then decide accordingly! 

yoga and meditation

Yoga And Meditation: The Benefits

Yoga and meditation are designed to relax your body and mind. While yoga is more physically exhaustive, meditation revolves around making your mind the source of relaxation. The westernized version of yoga will need you to get into poses, work on your balance, and perform a few exercises as well. However, meditation focuses on getting you to connect with your thoughts and using your mind to keep positive energy flowing throughout your body. 

Both yoga and meditation have their own levels of difficulty. Meditation doesn’t require much knowledge but it does come with a challenge. Meditation requires you to keep your mind calm and if you fail to do that, you won’t be able to meditate. Practitioners of meditation have often expressed their frustration over not being able to keep their mind calm. But when we come to yoga, it comes with a set of physical challenges. How well you perform yoga will depend on your flexibility, and your ability to stretch yourself. Usually, when it comes to yoga, it’s best to go one step at a time and increase the level as you go along. This way you have a lesser chance of hurting or injuring yourself. 

Yoga and meditation both help in improving your health. While meditation helps in improving your blood flow, breathing, and reducing stress and pressure. On the other hand, yoga can help in keeping your heart healthy. As we grow older, the chances of cardiovascular issues become higher. Indulging in yoga makes sure the heart has better health. 

How To Decide Which One To Do?

Both yoga and medication will help in improving your health. However, the one you choose to do for yourself depends on the type of lifestyle you follow. For example: if you follow a lifestyle that drains out your mental peace, it is highly recommended that you perform meditation. Meditation will help you calm your mind and will help you in attaining a good night sleep. On the contrary, if you’re looking for a way to make your body more flexible while doing physical activities, then yoga is the way to go. 

Whether you go to yoga or meditation, at the end of the day you need to be consistent. Consistency is key when it comes to the various forms of keeping yourself healthy and fit. You can do both yoga and meditation together as well. There’s a whole percentage of the population who follow this method. They start with yoga and get the blood flowing throughout their body and then finish the routine with a session of meditation. This way they work on both their mind and body! 

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